The Ex-Boyfriend

  • Publication Date: 9/30/20
  • Publisher: Bookouture
  • Author: Rona Halsall
  • Genre: Psychological Thriller

The Ex-Boyfriend is my very first Rona Halsall novel and boy it got my attention. So much so, that I read the book in a single day. A first single day read for me. I just couldn’t put it down.

Mia is the three year old daughter of Becca and Dean Thornton. Mia is being poisoned and the suspect of Mia’s poisoning is Becca. Becca is a nurse, so how can that be? Coincidentally, the poisoning started when Becca’s ex-boyfriend, Conner, starts tweeting messages to her in an attempt to reconnect. Maybe it is Becca, being that she is stuck in a not so happy marriage.

So many suspects and so many theories come into play as you read the novel. Who will be your suspects and what will be your theories? Mine were wrong as I found out in a surprising ending.

A gripping 5 stars for an unputdownable read. I will definitely keep Rona Halsall on my radar.

I received a digital ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

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