The Ex-Boyfriend

  • Publication Date: 9/30/20
  • Publisher: Bookouture
  • Author: Rona Halsall
  • Genre: Psychological Thriller

The Ex-Boyfriend is my very first Rona Halsall novel and boy it got my attention. So much so, that I read the book in a single day. A first single day read for me. I just couldn’t put it down.

Mia is the three year old daughter of Becca and Dean Thornton. Mia is being poisoned and the suspect of Mia’s poisoning is Becca. Becca is a nurse, so how can that be? Coincidentally, the poisoning started when Becca’s ex-boyfriend, Conner, starts tweeting messages to her in an attempt to reconnect. Maybe it is Becca, being that she is stuck in a not so happy marriage.

So many suspects and so many theories come into play as you read the novel. Who will be your suspects and what will be your theories? Mine were wrong as I found out in a surprising ending.

A gripping 5 stars for an unputdownable read. I will definitely keep Rona Halsall on my radar.

I received a digital ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

The Twelve Dogs of Christmas

  • Publication Date: 9/29/20
  • Publisher: Forever/Grand Central Publishing
  • Author: Lizzie Shane
  • Genre: Christmas Romance

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Such a warm and fuzzy read. In The Twelve Dogs of Christmas, Ally Gilmore travels to Pine Hollow, Vermont to help her grandparents operate their dog rescue shelter. There, she meets Ben West, a crusty town council member. Sparks fly when Ally accidentally bumps into Ben causing his new cup of coffee to get splashed all over the front of his dress shirt. A rough start as accusations are thrown between Ben and Ally, with more insult to injury as the shelter is at risk of losing funding from the town — the swing vote in the hands of Ben.

What will happen to all of the dogs at the shelter if funding is lost? Can Ally and Ben find it within themselves to forgive and forget, not only for the shelter but in the spirit of Christmas? The answer to these and other questions lie within the pages of this delightful novel.

If you are looking for a cozy romance novel for the holidays, look no further than The Twelve Dogs of Christmas. It is a wonderfully adorable read. Rating it 4.5 stars rounded up. The half point being deducted because I felt that it was a little too drawn out. Nevertheless, the novel did impress me.

I received a digital ARC from Forever/Grand Central Publishing through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Christmas on Reindeer Road

  • Publication Date: 9/29/20
  • Publisher: Forever/Grand Central Publishing
  • Author: Debbie Mason
  • Genre: Christmas Romance

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Debbie Mason has done it again!  This is only my second novel from this author, and I loved it just as much as the first.

Christmas on Reindeer road is the second installment of the Highland Falls series.  The first one was Summer on Honeysuckle Ridge.  Each of these novels can be read as a stand alone.  However, you will appreciate Christmas on Reindeer Road a lot more if you read the first installment.

The descriptive summary of the novel pretty much outlines the story so I won't go into detail on what Christmas on Reindeer road is about.  What I will say is that you will laugh at the awkward moments, and you will cry at those poignant moments

Christmas on Reindeer Road is a thoroughly entertaining romance novel which will make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.  With a Christmas setting, how else can you not feel comfy and cozy after reading this novel?

4.5 stars rounded up.  I really liked this novel.  It is a feel good romance with an enchanting ending.

I received a digital ARC from Forever/Grand Central Publishing through NetGalley.  The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Piperlicious & Her Critter Friends

  • Publication Date: 7/15/20
  • Publisher: BooksGoSocial
  • Author: Teresa Hunt
  • Genre: Children’s Fiction

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Such an adorable book with a cute story. Piperlicious & Her Critter Friends is about friendships, an how friends are always there to help each other. The book is also about honesty — how honesty is always the best policy.

With colorful and charming illustrations, Piperlicious & Her Critter Friends will enchant the pre-K child while also instilling valuable life lessons. Four stars — I really like it.

I received a digital ARC from BooksGoSocial through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

ARC Review: Tell Me My Name

  • Publication Date: 10/27/20
  • Genre: Psychological Thrillers
  • Publisher: Dundurn Press
  • Author: Erin Ruddy

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wow! Unputdownable! A must read for fans of psychological thrillers.

In Tell Me My Name, Ellie and Neil Patterson are kidnapped and tortured by a stranger claiming to be the man that Ellie was supposed to be with forever. Ellie is then tasked by the stranger to guess his name. Ellie is given three chances to guess the name correctly. Any incorrect guess would lead to unimaginable consequences for Neil.

In a series of flashbacks, the story of Ellie, Neil and the stranger is revealed in this terrifying novel. You won’t be able to stop reading until the very end.

An amazing five stars! I could not put this novel away once I started reading it. It was that good!

I received a digital ARC from Dundurn Press. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

ARC Review: The Lost Children

  • Publication Date: 9/30/20
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Publisher: Bookouture
  • Author: Shirley Dickson

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Like most WWII historical fiction novels, they are all pretty much heartbreaking. The Lost Children is no exception. Set around the Operation Pied Piper years, The Lost Children focuses on twins Jacob and Molly Moffat, who, born out of wedlock are forced to grow up in a war torn country. Struggling to survive, Jacob and Molly must face unimaginable hardships that are only exacerbated by Molly’s disability.

The Lost Children is very well written and will certainly please any fan of the historical fiction genre. The storyline is engaging, emotional, and will stir your heart. I felt hate, love, and disdain. A four star emotive read.

I received a digital ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Bookish Bits and Bobs

In a Bookish Bits and Bobs, I will share some tidbits or odd and ends. Today, it’s about snacking while reading. I know of a few people that love to snack while reading albeit it can be dangerous if you are engrossed in a novel and end up eating a whole bag of popcorn.

I have a penchant for Cheetos — all kinds (textures and flavors.) That can become quite sticky and messy while reading. So my solution. I use chopsticks so my fingers don’t have to touch any of the ooey gooey goodness of the cheese coating. It’s worked so well for me. I just position the bowl of Cheetos in a convenient spot and just shovel away with my chopsticks. I do limit it to one bowl, though. Granted, I have an edge because I was raised to use chopsticks. I wonder how chocoholics manage?

Just had to share. What is your snack choice while reading?

Thought for Today

Photo by Pixabay on

“Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.”
― Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them

Tag|The Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you to A Bookish Chick for nominating me. I hope that you will check her blog and follow her if you’re not already doing so.

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.

How does it work?

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

The questions that I am asked to answer:

  1. What made you become a book blogger?

I became interested in book blogging because I needed to keep my mind active and engaged. Blogging helps and it doesn’t hurt that it actually increases my chances of getting an ARC (truth) Besides, I enjoy sharing my thoughts and opinions even if they might not be the most popular opinion.

2. What is your favorite post to write?

Hmm. I enjoy writing reviews, but the least difficult is finding interesting quotes and posting those.

3. If you could recommend a book, what would it be?

If you like dogs and enjoy novels in which dogs are central to the theme, I would recommend, Rainbow Bridge by Dan V. Jackson.

4. Do you read multiple books at a time or just one?

I have 10 books on my currently reading list. I have read a small percentage of each and I rotate reading them, concentrating on those with imminent publication dates.

5. Who is your favorite author?

I have several, but I’ll list my #1 favorite here. Preston&Child (Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child)

6. Do you have any advice for new bloggers?

Have patience. Also, before you start publishing your blog, have at least 3 weeks of content ready, that way you won’t be pressured to come up with something at the last minute.

7. What are your favorite books that you’ve read this year?

Wow! I had to look this one up. There were so many, but my favs were: The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry; The Suicide House by Charlie Donlea; RomeAntically Challenged by Marina Adair; The Finders by Jeffrey B. Burton.

8. What are your ups and downs about blogging?

My ups are when I get new followers on my blog. My downs are when I look at my follower list and it just seems so minuscule compared to some others.

9. Who is your favorite author?

For some reason this question appeared twice, so I’ll answer it with my next favorite author who is James Patterson.

10. Do you prefer book store or library and why?

I get a majority of my books digitally, but if I had to choose, it would be a book store. I love the smell of new books!

11. Why do you love reading?

I love reading because it’s an escape to a different time and place. I get to experience other worlds, other countries and different eras.

I will Tag:

The Shaggy Shepherd

LIS Noob



Behind the Pages

Olive Book Reviews



Red-Haired Ash



My questions to those that I’ve tagged:

  1. Other than reading, what else do you enjoy doing?
  2. What is your least favorite genre and why?
  3. What genre have you come to appreciate more?
  4. If you had the chance for a do-over, what would you change?
  5. Which authors do you follow religiously?
  6. What is the most difficult part of blogging?
  7. How many books are on your current reading list?
  8. What is your favorite comfort food?
  9. Which book did you dislike the most but had to read it for school?
  10. What are your pet peeves?
  11. In one word, describe yourself.

Many thanks for reading. Hugs.

Happy Publication Day!

Chinatown Pretty

  • Publication Date: 9/22/20
  • Publisher: Chronicle Books
  • Genre: Arts & Photography|Multicultural Interest
  • Authors: Andria Lo and Valerie Luu

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Stunning photography paired with poignant stories of the Chinese seniors that live, shop, and play in the Chinatown districts here in the U.S.

The photos capture the essence and spirit of the grandmas and grandpas dressed in the signature style associated with Chinatown residents; and oooh, the stories of their hardships and immigration will touch your heart.

An excellent book that is sure to grace your coffee table or library shelf.  Five stars.

I received a digital copy of this book from Chronicle Books through NetGalley.  The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

My Favorite Thought Today

Christian D. Larsen

“Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.”

Happy Publication Day!

Their Silent Graves

  • Publication Date: 9/17/20
  • Publisher: Bookouture
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers

Rating: 5 out of 5.

It may be your worst nightmare come true — being buried alive! After a couple of gruesome discoveries, it’s up to DI Gina Harte to find the perpetrator of these horrific murders.

In The Silent Graves, you are presented with several points of view and different time periods which made for a mysterious, but interesting read. As you read through the novel, you will discover that not all things are what they seem and that your “aha” moment will not happen until the end. So continue to read and good things come to those who wait.

The Silent Graves was my first novel from Carla Kovach; and although I’m not usually fond of detective novels set in the UK, I really enjoyed this novel and look forward to reading more from this author. If you are a reader that enjoys murder mysteries, you will find that The Silent Graves fits the bill.

4.5 stars, rounded up. I really liked it.

I received a digital ARC from Bookouture through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Today’s Thought

Bob Marley

“He’s not perfect. You aren’t either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn’t going to quote poetry, he’s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, and don’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you.”

Let’s Fix Lunch!

  • Publication Date: 9/15/20
  • Publisher: Chronicle Books
  • Genre: Cooking, Food & Wine

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Let's Fix Lunch! is so much more than a recipe book.  It is a book of tips, resources, and it is also a handy reference to use in the reduce, reuse, recycle trend.

There are gorgeous photographs of every dish and they all made my mouth water.  You'll want to try every recipe because every dish looks so delicious.

Let's Fix Lunch! is an excellent book to have in your kitchen library.  It can be used not only for lunches, but just about any meal.  Rated it five stars -- I loved it!

Checked Out For Murder

Publication Date: 9/8/20

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Surprisingly good! My very first Cozy Mystery and I really liked it. After an intense series of hardcore mysteries and thrillers, “Checked Out for Murder,” was the perfect respite. The book is entertaining, yet has enough mystery to keep the reader engaged in the story. I couldn’t wait to find out “whodunnit.”

“Checked Out for Murder,” is the fourth book in the “Haunted Library Mysteries.” I didn’t read the first three, but now I can’t wait to read them in order. There’s no carnage and violence. It a pretty “clean” read that I found to be well written. The only thing that I wasn’t particularly fond of was the presence of a ghost. But that really didn’t deter my enjoyment of the book.

Four stars — I really liked it. I received a digital ARC of the book from Crooked Lane Books through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Murder Most Sweet

Publication Date: 9/8/20

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Murder Most Sweet is only my second Cozy Mystery and I’m really liking this genre. This book is actually better that my first since I didn’t have to contend with a library ghost. Set in a small town called Lake Potawatomi, WI, it is the perfect warm and comfortable setting for the story to take place.

The protagonist is not only an accomplished writer, she is also an accomplished baker (hence the bookish baker mystery.) The protagonist has an Eskie (American Eskimo dog) and what a delight that is. You dog lovers will really enjoy the relational aspect between dog and human. It just adds to the storyline.

Murder Most Sweet has a great combination of light mystery and light romance. However, I thought there was an abruptness to uncovering the perpetrator. Maybe that was just me. Overall, a good read. An added bonus — real recipes you can use at the end of the book. I’ll need to try some — especially the Oatmeal Raisin cookie recipe.

I received a digital ARC from Crooked Lane Books through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

Just the FAQs About Me — An Interview with a Newbie

I recently read a blog post from a fellow newbie book blogger and got inspired to create a Q&A about me. Here it goes:

1) When did you start your book blog and why?

I started my blog in August, 2020. Probably like everyone else, I wanted to display my love of books, share my reviews, and possibly snag some digital ARCs. I love being able to review an ARC and get invited to participate in a Blog Tour.

2) Other than reading, what else do you enjoy doing?

Where can I start? My list can go on and on…I’ll go with my top ten, then: Video gaming, quilting, Hawaiian quilting (there’s a difference between regular quilting and Hawaiian quilting,) Crocheting, Needlepoint, Latchhook Rug Making, Cooking, Gardening, BBQ Smoking, RV Camping. It’s not in any particular order. But if it were, I’d start with RV Camping (We have a 5th Wheel and boondock.)

3) Name a few authors that you follow religiously and get their latest releases.

I love the Pendergast series by Preston&Child, along with the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. I’m pretty much caught up on both series so I pretty much wait with baited breath for the next installment from each author.

4) What is your least favorite genre and why?

There’s a few but my least favorite is historical non-fiction. Granted, I’ve read a couple and the exception was, 82 Days On Okinawa. Other than that, I don’t particularly like this genre, because History was my worst subject in high school and beyond.

5) What is or was your occupation?

Well, I was a senior commercial underwriter for an insurance company. Almost the same thing as a mortgage underwriter or a publicist that accepts or denies requests. Only, I used to accept or deny requests for business insurance coverage. Yeah, I was considered an A**hole by some insurance agents. I got to retire early. Thanks to my hubby that wanted me to get out of the rat race and stress. God bless him in his wisdom.

6) I noticed that you’re a former Hawaii Resident. Why did you leave HI, and why move to AZ of all places?

If you have seen the prices of housing, food, and gas, you will understand why we left AZ for a “greener” pasture. Can you image the price of a gallon of milk being $7 for a gallon? Or the price of gas being close to $4.00 per gallon? Fresh vegetables and fruits are almost double the cost of what we pay here in AZ. Besides, AZ was our favorite vacation spot while we lived in HI so naturally we wanted to live in a State that we were comfortable with.

7) What genre have you come to appreciate more?

Well, it took a while, and I really didn’t care for those “Hallmark Channel-type” romance novels. But something changed. Maybe it’s because of the authors’ execution. Now, I look forward to non-cheesy romance novels from authors like Debbie Mason, Suzanne Goldring, and Nancy Barone.

8) What’s the most difficult part of blogging for you?

For me, it‘s not about time, but content. I struggle to find content that will attract others to my blog I have all the time in the world, but I struggle with different content to keep people engaged. I sometimes wish I had a magic wand .

9) You mentioned you love cooking. What is one recipe that you love and have adapted that you are willing to share?

There are a couple — I adapted a traditional osso bucco to a chicken version, and there’s a clam/Spanish chorizo linguine that I adapted to a shrimp/Spanish chorizo linquine.

10) On a Personal Note. What else do you want to share?

I’m generally an introvert (believe it or not.) But, given the right circumstances, I can be your best ally, or worst enemy. That’s just me in a nutshell.

That is all

I hope that I have shared enough information about me to give you an insight on what makes me tick. Carry on fellow readers and book bloggers. May the book blogging force be with you.

No Room at the Little Cornish Inn

Publication Date: 11/5/20

Publisher: Aria & Aries

Rating: 4 out of 5.

No Room at the Little Cornish Inn is a delightful light romance novel set during Christmastime. It is the perfect novel for those readers wanting to cozy up to read a book with a warm quilt next to a glowing fireplace.

Rosie Anderson and her son Danny were all set to enjoy the Christmas holidays with family and friends until those plans are dashed by her boss. Instead, Rosie must head out to The Old Bell Inn to perform an inspection of the Inn’s operations and staff — a witch hunt.

After a bristling confrontation with the Inn’s manager, Mitchell Fitzpatrick, Rosie must find it within herself to keep an open mind. After all, it is the holiday season.

There’s a bit of a rough first few chapters, but No Room at the Little Cornish Inn ended up being a four star read for me. Get through the rough patch and you will be rewarded with a charming and delightful read, as a Christmas romance should be.

I received a digital ARC from Aria & Aries through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

My Favorite Quote Today

John Lennon

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”